What we Desire Requires Getting Out of the Comfort Zone!
The beginning of the year is that sweet spot where we collectively begin imagining possibilities to fill the fresh new year before us that is inviting us to try again, begin again and to once again attempt to create all we desire. The energy and anticipation can feel so potent, so exhilarating and our intentions for greater yet to be so possible! We start strong and then, lo and behold around mid-January we settle back into our old familiar patterns and ways of being. When we set intentions or resolutions what we really are doing is acknowledging that we need to move out of our cozy limited comfort zones. And this, my friends, is no easy feat! It requires faith, trust and a willingness to be uncomfortable for a while! Goal and resolution setting and even visioning don’t work on their own for many reasons. First of all, the comfort zone is our mind’s way of attempting to keep us safe and protected from the great “unknown”, which is everything outside of t...